The girls and I went out to eat yesterday. It was a big special day at ... MCDONALD'S! It's great that the little things in life seem like heaven to the twins. They treated a day out with Mommy at a cheap fast food restaurant like it was a personal invitation to the White House.
Sydney kept saying "Uh Oh". Zoe kept making faces at the camera.
We laughed hard, made an incredible mess, and took lots of pictures and video. Nothing can beat apple slices, milk, chicken nuggets and over an hour of fun for $3.00.
My biggest complaint about McD's is that they have these healthier options for Happy Meals (apple slices instead of fries, milk instead of soda, etc.), but they will default to the bad stuff if you don't specifically ask for something else. They also give you a caramel dipping sauce for the apples, which is an unnecessary addition of sugary calories, not to mention a waste of plastic. Well, we know better for the next time we "dine out" in style.
The best thing about McD's: The place is kid-friendly. That's especially important with twins. My cashier helped me set up the highchairs (which are the best I've seen in any restaurant), and get my soda and condiments. It's always stressful when Ryan and I decide to take the twins out to a restaurant. Servers tend not to think of childproofing the table, and its hard to keep TWO happy at the same time. But McD's has a bright, energetic atmosphere -- which kept the girls happy and entertained. It was a lot of fun.
Here's a couple of videos of Sydney having a good time:
What a blast! I'm so lucky -- these kids are my life! Law school, schmaw school. Being a Mom rocks.
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