Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sydney's "Trick" & Zoe Sleep-Eating

Below are the two newest videos of Sydney & Zoe. Sydney loves to make funny sounds when you bat at her lips with your hand. Zoe has a habit of falling asleep in her chair, and this most recent time she fell asleep while she was eating! It was really adorable.

Below is a picture of the Kirk Family Food Chain:

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Okay I want more videos or bring me my nieces next week. I want creepy crawlers, this like net flicks? Can I make requests? Well anyways, Miss you guys and I got a 94 on that test thanks to the PICS of my nieces! WOO WHO! I've got another one in psych. next week so videos sound good:) (You know I'm just being punchy Devan. I know you're busy/busier then me.) Love you guys.